I know many people are struggling now with a lack of faith and trust and some fear about the future. I hear from people every day who are struggling with present day issues that seem overwhelming.
Sometimes these struggles are with ghosts from the past that are coming up with increasing frequency to be healed. They keep cycling around until we can find the right situation to unpack them and find the wisdom within. If you have the ability to do deep work, especially body/mind/spirit work like shamanic work, I highly recommend it.
Even if that’s not possible for you at this time,
First of all, if you don’t have a regular meditation practice, now may be the time to consider something along those lines.
I really recommend meditation for peace and quiet in your own consciousness, on a regular basis. Things are pretty wild out there now and it is likely they are not going to calm down anytime in the near future. In fact I think we can expect them to continue to ratchet up.
Therefore now more than ever, we need to find our own peace within.
In my world, meditation is essential. I recommend TM, the oldest and the one that has the most scientific studies behind it. Taking that short time, 20 minutes in the morning and 20 in the evening can make ALL THE DIFFERENCE in keeping the peace internally.
And we know by now, it’s all an inside job, right?
Walking in the woods, or being in Nature is also an excellent way to feel connected to Spirit for many people. Taking time to do this mindfully, and spending some time to breathe and talk to God/dess, whatever that looks like for you. Even for you atheists, it may be possible to connect to the Spirit of Nature.
Whatever takes you out of your own head, for even a short time, is essential to help us stay balanced and keep us open to receiving – wisdom, peace, the feeling of well being from the Universe that helps us to feel the Love and Ease and connectedness we need to feel as humans.
What do you do to help you stay “in the Flow” of Joy and Happiness in these “Interesting Times”?
Please feel free to share more thoughts along these lines in the Comments section. Thank you for reading and sharing!
– Love to you all as we wind our way through these times that demand that we really be awake and aware and creative in ways we have never been asked to be before…
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