Greetings lovers of Truth and Beauty!
First of all - to those of you who are struggling during these times of Unprecedented change... (unless you look back to the Middle Ages or earlier) my heart goes out to you...
And I look forward to hearing from you about how you are dealing with those struggles, be they emotional, loss, grief, financial or spiritual in nature.
What those of us on a spiritual path are working towards is to see these struggles in a new light, from a new perspective ,and not getting caught up in the old adversarial patterns.
Certainly the classical model is Thesis, Antithesis, leading to eventual SYNTHESIS.
But we are Clearly getting a very powerful experience of DUALITY and the dark feelings that come up for people who are being asked to look at their world model - the model they grew up with - through the new lens of Privilege - and whether that model actually serves for the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number, which is the standard we are going to be asked to live up to, in the New World.
No longer will it be ok to be part of a tiny elite (it used to be bigger, but has shrunk, along with the disappearing Middle Class) and just be grateful that we are enjoying life, while we close our eyes (to varying degrees) to the obvious suffering of others.
Now we are being asked to OPEN OUR HEARTS - to unite the brain of our HEART with our MIND and use that synthesis to create a new direction for the world.
The first step is to do our own Body/Mind/Spirit healing - the Deep Healing that assists us in resolving and learning from our own trauma, both Personal and Intergenerational.
By Intergenerational Trauma and patterns, many of you may know I am talking about Trauma passed down in families by traumatic experiences on a larger level. Think the Holocaust- either the Jewish, or the Native American, or the women/witches murdered worldwide over centuries. Or so many other horrific experiences.
And the ways we have adapted - or maladapted- to deal with those traumatic experiences are what need to be examined. We may be talking about alcoholism, or various kinds of child abuse- sexual, emotional, spiritual, religious. But all these old traumas are coming up to be healed.
When we do the Deep Work of healing those traumas and intergenerational patterns, we are beginning to heal them for the world as well - through the ripple effect that extends to everyone we know.
So... Onward and Upward! Keep on loving and supporting each other and we will get through this... Together...