How can we take care of children as a community, especially those of us who are working to become more conscious of our own patterns and bring them to consciousness - and make sure they don't happen to one more child..?
Step number one is BELIEVE CHILDREN when they report to you that something is going on. Medical professionals, teachers, and other licensed health care providers are mandated reporters. If they hear something they have to pass it on to the proper authorities. But please don't be thinking this does not apply to YOU! Any parent, relative, friend of the parents, or anyone in a position to observe what is going on with a child they know, has a MORAL RESPONSIBILITY to be aware.
Step number three is DISCUSS. The taboo of child sexual abuse, rape, trafficking, etc. is so horrific that no one wants to talk about it. This, plus the process of the victim taking on the shame of the offender, makes the victim/survivor feel like a pariah- increasing the isolation and helping the perp's chances of getting away with it.